Change pages to word document
Change pages to word document


Official Microsoft Word Website The History of Microsoft Word More Information on Microsoft Word Viewer Convert files to Wordįiles with a. Many users of Word 2007 continue to use the old DOC format to ensure compatibility with other users from different businesses. Used for files created by Microsoft Word for DOS through to Word 2003, the format has seen a huge number of improvements but was superseded with the release of Microsoft Word 2007. The DOC file extension has become so synonymous with word processed files that it is arguably the most widely known file extension. PAGES to Word - Convert file now View other document file presets


As part of the Office 1997 software package, users were able to use the program to create simple documents and quickly became familiar with the toolbar and menu driven user interface which remained consistent through later releases up to 2003. During an unprecedented period of popularity in personal computers, Microsoft Word quickly found itself in almost all businesses and many homes, establishing itself as the de facto standard for creating written documents. Microsoft Word 97 established the word processing application as a market leader.


The Windows taskbar also have options for arranging open windows. Other buttons let you view two windows side-by-side, switch between windows or synchronize their scrolling. As you open more windows, you can easily arrange them using the Arrange All button. You can go to another page in the new window without leaving the page you’re currently viewing in the original window. Click New Window to open a new window of the same document.

change pages to word document

If you need to edit multiple pages simultaneously without having to scroll through pages between them, use the View menu’s window options. Zoom Page Width – view the document so that its width matches the width of the Microsoft Word window.Zoom Two Pages – view the document two pages at a time.Zoom One Page – view the document one page at a time.

change pages to word document

Zoom 100% – view the document in its normal size.Fortunately, there are several zooming options you can choose in the View menu. Some documents look too small on one monitor, whereas they’re awfully big on another. Not all computer displays are created equal Page elements, such as page boundaries, headers and footers, are hidden to help you focus on editing the body text. Draft – When you only want to edit and format text with no regards to how it looks in print, the draft view is the recommended document view.Showing your document as an outline helps you organize your ideas and bring attention to details that make the most impact. You can edit and move blocks of text according to the heading levels. Outline – When you want to see the headings and subheadings of your document easily, switch to outline view.This is a useful view when you’re creating a document that you plan to publish as a Web page. Web Layout – Your document appears on the screen just like how it would look on a browser.You can choose to show one or two pages at a time. It removes most of the buttons and options.


Full Screen Reading – When you want to type and read your document without any distractions, choose full screen reading.This is the default view when you create a new document. It also allows you to click anywhere in the document and start typing a la freestyle writing. Print Layout – Your document appears on the screen just like how it would look if you decided to print it.Five document views are available, each of which is designed for a specific purpose Granted, you can’t entirely get rid of all annoyances, but changing how you view your document in Word can sometimes help you work even faster.Įverything you need to change how your document is laid out is found in the View tab in the Microsoft Word ribbon menu.

change pages to word document

If you’ve been using Microsoft Word for a while now, you know how annoying it can be to edit and review a document with several pages.

Change pages to word document